Thursday, November 21, 2013

Upper Body on Machine

Till now you have learned basic warm up exercise and after warm up exercises. Here are some workouts can be done on a machine. Firstly have a work out plan sheet on which you plan what to do and how many reps to do every day. Divide your workout plan like this:

  1. Chest Press
  2. Lat Pull-down                        
  3. Shoulder Press
  4. Biceps
  5. Triceps
  6. Abs or Crunches
Upper body workout for men and Women
To make body flexible, comfortable and to concentrate, do these 4 exercise everyday.
    -  Treadmill
    -  Pull ups                                                      
    -  Parallel Bar Dips
    -  Jump Rope (Skipping Exercise)

Now coming to regular workout on Machine:

    Day 1 on Machine

          Chest Press ( Bench Press )
  1.  Machine Flat Bench Press
  2.  Incline Press
  3.  Vertical Press                
    -    Push Ups
    -    Butterfly Press, for more effective workout you can do Dumbbell Press in between.
    -    Chest Press with Resistance Band
    -    Biceps

   Day 2 on Machine
         Lats ( Latissimus Dorsi Muscle )

     -   Overhead Pull-down ( Back and Front )
     -   Seated Row
     -   Barbell Rowing
     -   T-Bar Rowing
     -   Dumbbell Rows
     -   Chin Ups or Pull Ups
     -   Triceps

   Day 3 on Machine

         Shoulder Press
     -   Barbell Shoulder Press ( Front and Back )
     -   Seated Shoulder Press ( Military Press )
     -   Cable Front Rise
     -   Machine Lateral Rise
     -   Cable Side Raise
     -   Cable Bent Over
     -   Triceps



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