Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pull Ups Exercise

Most of us avoid this workout or we just think I can't do this because its hard. But let me ask you one thing, if we can't lift our own body; what else we can do. Pull ups are the most important exercise to strengthen lats and biceps, this is also called as strength training exercise or chin ups. Remember one thing no one is perfect in life, every one is training to get in shape or to maintain the shape.

This exercise is hard but sweet, when you start seeing your body in V-shape. As we all know this is mainly for your back ( Back Exercise ).

  -  Always warm up before you start doing this workout.
  -  Hold the pull up bar as wide as you can with arms straight.
  -  If you can't reach the pull up bar, take your partner help      
     or grab a low stool ( Bench ).
  -  Grip you hands properly.
  -  Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  -  Then start lifting your body towards the pull up bar until your
      chin reaches the bar.
  -  Once your chin reaches the bar, slowly release your body to the starting position.
  -  The key point is, when you releasing your body, you need to be extra careful
      and you need feel your lats ( Back Muscles ).
  -   Do not rest your muscles until you finish all your reps.
  -   If you can't hold wide enough, rise your hands and hold the pull up bar so that
       your palms are straight below your shoulder.
  -   If you think you can not do it, practice at least 1 a day until you are confidant to do more.

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