Saturday, November 30, 2013

Chest Press ( Bench Press )

Basic workout for chest press to learn how to focus on each rep with proper technique to get used to it, gain strength, and to get it in shape.

Machine Flat Bench Press:
Even though you are working out on the machine try not to load over weight. Place a bench under the machine and make sure it is in the center of the barbell.

   -  Lie down on the bench and hold the barbell wider than the shoulder.
   -  Now, lift the barbell to release the lock and breath in.
   -  Slowly bring the barbell down towards your lower chest.
  -   Hold it just above your lower chest.
  -   Lift the barbell rod slowly upwards while breathing out.
  -   Do at least for 10 to 12 reps.
  -   Relax and do 3 to 4 sets of workout.

The Machine acts as spotter but if you are loading more weight ask your friend or the trainer to spot you.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Biceps Workout

We all know in every exercise our biceps plays an important role. It doesn't mean that you are working on your biceps. Here are some exercises where you will feel that you are doing some biceps workout.

      Bicep Curls or Dumbbell Curl:

  • One Arm Bicep Curl
  • Alternative Bicep Curl
  • Two Arms at a Time Curl
  • Hammer Curl
  • Inner Bicep Curl
  • Incline Bicep Curl
  • Cable Curls
  • Barbell Curl
  • Machine Preacher Curls
  • Machine Rope Curl
Biceps Curl Workout can be done by standing, sitting or on a ball.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Push Ups Exercise

How do you do push ups? That's a good question. This is another workout, as well as a strength exercise, where you lift your own body. Most of us think completing a treadmill exercise will burn more calories, but did you ever think about how many calories you can burn when you do push ups. This is a strength gaining workout, looks simple but it is tough. This exercise can burn up to 100 calories when you do 100 push ups. The more weight you put on, the more calories you can burn; the more repetitions you do, the more shape you gain. One of the best body weight training. The following steps will help you perform this exercise properly:

When you go down

Front view of Push Up

            -  Kneel down on the floor.
            -  Bend down slowly and place your palms on the ground in front of you.
            -  Keeping the arms straight and locked, support all your weight of the body
               on your Palms and extend your both the legs backward.
            -  Your feet on your toes, Palms wider than your chest and the legs should
                be straight to your chest.
            -  Slowly bend your elbows going down till your chest is just above the ground.
            -  Your head parallel to your body.
            -  This is the position where you need to feel all your weight on the upper body,
                the lower is just to support your push up.
            -  The key point to this exercise is the more push ups you do, the more shape and
                calories you can burn.

After you get accustomed to this particular exercise, you may try more difficult type push ups such as the following:
            -  Incline Push-ups
            -  Decline Push-ups
            -  Diamond Push-ups
            -  Front Clap Push-ups
            -  One Arm Push-ups
            -  T-Push-ups

Monday, November 25, 2013

Jump Rope (Skipping Exercise)

We all think jumping rope is a child's game. Jumping is not just meant for children, but can be utilized by adults to burn many calories in a matter of minutes. Many people think they can't jump, and for this reason alone don't even try it. This can be a fun exercise as well as a calorie burner. The more you practice jumping, the better you will become at it. This is a basic exercise and doesn't require any equipment, all you need is a rope.

Jumping with a rope

Jump rope or skipping exercise increases your power of concentration and athletic skills. Highly recommended for those who want to get rid of their fat on the body. It can burn up to 700 to 1000 calories in an hour. Best warm up exercise before you start any workout.  It is a daily practice by boxers, actors, athletes, etc.. This is one of the best exercise for cardiovascular, and it removes belly fat. You may not do even one in the beginning, but trust me, you will if you try it everyday. You may also try alternate leg jump and single leg jump.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Parallel Bar Dips

The best exercise to maintain fitness is known as lower pec workout. Parallel bar dips are another exercise where you lift your whole body. This has a great impact on your shoulder, chest, triceps and hip.We skip some workouts not because it is a difficult one. The fact is, we get lazy when we think about them. Lifting our own body is an art; the more ease you have on it, the more stronger you get to control the weight in a particular area. You could also use a dip belt to add more weight for a more effective workout.

-  Hold the parallel bar, push yourself up and lock your arms.
-  Holding the bar tight, lean your upper body slightly forward.    
-  Bend your knees a  little so that your weight of the body is not
   flowing down to your foot.
-  Cross your legs.                                                                 
-  Breathe in and start the work out.                                         
-  Bend your elbows to lower your body downwards until you
    see your elbow is slightly above the shoulder.
-  You will feel the weight on shoulders, chest, triceps and the hip.
-  Lift your body up to your original position, i.e your arms fully extended.
-  Do 3 to 4 sets and each set for 10 repetitions.                       
-  Do not lift your head while you are doing this workout. 
The more lower you go, the more better you get.
Remember to wear a supporter.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Pull Ups Exercise

Most of us avoid this workout or we just think I can't do this because its hard. But let me ask you one thing, if we can't lift our own body; what else we can do. Pull ups are the most important exercise to strengthen lats and biceps, this is also called as strength training exercise or chin ups. Remember one thing no one is perfect in life, every one is training to get in shape or to maintain the shape.

This exercise is hard but sweet, when you start seeing your body in V-shape. As we all know this is mainly for your back ( Back Exercise ).

  -  Always warm up before you start doing this workout.
  -  Hold the pull up bar as wide as you can with arms straight.
  -  If you can't reach the pull up bar, take your partner help      
     or grab a low stool ( Bench ).
  -  Grip you hands properly.
  -  Tighten your abdominal muscles.
  -  Then start lifting your body towards the pull up bar until your
      chin reaches the bar.
  -  Once your chin reaches the bar, slowly release your body to the starting position.
  -  The key point is, when you releasing your body, you need to be extra careful
      and you need feel your lats ( Back Muscles ).
  -   Do not rest your muscles until you finish all your reps.
  -   If you can't hold wide enough, rise your hands and hold the pull up bar so that
       your palms are straight below your shoulder.
  -   If you think you can not do it, practice at least 1 a day until you are confidant to do more.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Lower Body on Machine

Well, we all know the stronger the lower body, the less stress on your upper body. For men a supporter is always required while you are working out. Most of the trainers wouldn't tell you about this; they only think a supporter is required only when you are lifting heavy weights. That's absolutely wrong.
lower body workout for men and Women

Day 4 on Machine

        Leg Press                                               

    -   Squat
    -   Leg Press on Machine
    -   Leg Curls
    -   Calf Raises
    -   Leg Extension
    -   Dumbbell Squats

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Upper Body on Machine

Till now you have learned basic warm up exercise and after warm up exercises. Here are some workouts can be done on a machine. Firstly have a work out plan sheet on which you plan what to do and how many reps to do every day. Divide your workout plan like this:

  1. Chest Press
  2. Lat Pull-down                        
  3. Shoulder Press
  4. Biceps
  5. Triceps
  6. Abs or Crunches
Upper body workout for men and Women
To make body flexible, comfortable and to concentrate, do these 4 exercise everyday.
    -  Treadmill
    -  Pull ups                                                      
    -  Parallel Bar Dips
    -  Jump Rope (Skipping Exercise)

Now coming to regular workout on Machine:

    Day 1 on Machine

          Chest Press ( Bench Press )
  1.  Machine Flat Bench Press
  2.  Incline Press
  3.  Vertical Press                
    -    Push Ups
    -    Butterfly Press, for more effective workout you can do Dumbbell Press in between.
    -    Chest Press with Resistance Band
    -    Biceps

   Day 2 on Machine
         Lats ( Latissimus Dorsi Muscle )

     -   Overhead Pull-down ( Back and Front )
     -   Seated Row
     -   Barbell Rowing
     -   T-Bar Rowing
     -   Dumbbell Rows
     -   Chin Ups or Pull Ups
     -   Triceps

   Day 3 on Machine

         Shoulder Press
     -   Barbell Shoulder Press ( Front and Back )
     -   Seated Shoulder Press ( Military Press )
     -   Cable Front Rise
     -   Machine Lateral Rise
     -   Cable Side Raise
     -   Cable Bent Over
     -   Triceps



Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Superman Extension

This is a very good work out for spine extension and abdomen.

     -  On a plain floor lie down on your  abdomen with arms extended out.
     -  Relax, while breathing in tighten your abdominal muscles.

     -  Rise your left arm and right leg in the air. (with elbow and knee straight.)
     -  Your buttock and lower back should be in air.
     -  Hold for 10 to 20 seconds and relax.
     - Start the opposite side, right arm and left leg.
Repeat 3 sets.

Core pose:  Lift both your legs and arms in the air and hold for 10 to 20 seconds.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Child's Pose Exercise

Child pose is good for spinal cord and shoulder stretch.

    -  After your Cat exercise, come back on your knees.
    -  Slowly relax your buttock on your heels.
    -  Breath in and out.
    -  Slowly bend down with head facing downwards
        and hands stretched in front of you.
    -  Your chest on your thigh, palm on the floor.
    -  Breathe in and hold for 3 seconds and feel your back.
    -  Breathe out slowly.

  Repeat it for 5 times. This is a good stretch exercise for lower back, knees, shoulders, and the arms. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Cat Exercise

This is an excellent exercise, good for stretching and strengthen spine, neck, hips and the entire back of your body.

      -  Kneel down on the floor.
      -  bend down slowly and place your palms on the ground, in front of you.
      -  keeping the arms straight, support all your weight of the body on your palms.
      -  Your hips should be just above your knees.
      -  Head facing down.
      -  Breath in, while slowly pull your stomach inwards.
      -  Make a curve shape at your back at the same time, while breathing in.
      -  Your feet on the toes.
      -  Hold it for 10 seconds and relax.

 Repeat the same for 3 to 5 sets.

Cobra Exercise

This exercise is mainly to stretch your abdominal muscles, excellent for lower back flexibility and overworked crunches. This is known as  Bhujangasana in terms of yoga.

      -  This is a basic Cobra exercise, so go easy while the entire process as it is mainly
          dealing with the spinal cord of your body.
      -  Lie down on your stomach and relax. (recommended to do on a mat).
      -  Make sure your entire body is in rest position.
      -  Rise your chin 45 degrees up and breath in.
      -  Now slow lift your upper body breathing out with the help of your elbows with
          your chin facing straight. (place your elbow under the shoulders).
      -  Legs straight and the your feet on the toes.
      -  Hold it for 10 to 20 seconds.

Repeat it for at-least 3 times, good for people suffering from back pain and disc problems. After you get used this position, try to lift your upper body with the help of your arms fully extended, for more effective.

Note: do not put more pressure on your spinal cord.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


From ages crunches are considered as traditional, its said and proven that its the best exercise for lover back, abdominal and concentration. We are spending hours and hours sitting on computer, but for good health conditions, its very important that we do a regular cardio exercise to reduce the abdominal fat and to look gorgeous. Crunches helps us to maintain the body looks and health.

       -  lie down on your back and stretch your legs straight.
       -  Slowly pull your knees in a curve position towards your                
           head and make sure your feet are touching the ground all the time.
       -  Your chest wide open and your hands on your chest.
       -  Relax, breath in and out.
       -  Remember this is a simple basic exercise for the abs, so take your time slowly
          and gently.
       -  Always keep your chin facing up, do not yank your chin.
       -  Stay focus, do not rush.

       -  Now breath in while you lifting the neck and the upper body till you feel the
          abdominal crunch and slowly release your crunch and breath out at the same time.
       -  Repeat the same at-least 4 sets and each set for 10 times in the beginning.
       -  This is going to be a challenging one, as most of them feel crunches are
           the most difficult exercise.

Advance Crunch
Crunch with Twist

As you get stronger you can you can move your hands behind your with finger interlaced, repeat the same as mentioned above. But here you may also lift your buttock so that its more effective.  

      Types of Crunches:
  • V-ups                         
  • Reverse Crunch
  • Leg Crunch
  • Leg Lift
  • Hip Thrust   
  •  Hanging Knee Rise
  • Cable Crunches
After this, do 1 set of Neck Roll Exercise to relax your muscles around the neck.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Reclining Twist

This is also called as T-Roll because its easy to remember and the shape of the pose is "T" or called as Jathara parivarthasana in yoga. This stretch is good for healthy lower back and the waist and people who wants to reduce their belly can also try this twist. Reclining Twist is good for those who are standing or sitting hours and hours at work.

  -  lie on the floor on your back and make sure your legs are straight.
  -  Stretch your arms out side to form a "T" shape.
  -  Your palms of your hands, elbow and shoulder all 3 need to touch the ground all the time.
  -  Bring both the knees up in a curve position (90 degree).
  -  Your half body should the ground and half in the air, like the above picture.
  -  Make sure your buttock is also in the air, where you will feel the hip.
  -  Breath in and out.
  -  Slowly roll your knees to left side, it should touch the ground and the upper body should
      remain the same (should not move).
  -  While you rolling make sure your both the knees are together.
  -  Hold it for about 6 to 10 seconds.
  -  Now repeat the same towards the opposite side (right side).

     Do this for at-least the 10 sets (1 set = left and right).

Seated Pretzel Stretch

This stretch is traditional, which is great to improve your lower back, hip, flexibility of your thigh , shoulder, arm  muscles and trunk rotation.            
Pretzel Stretch

Sit on the floor with extended legs in front of you, cross your left leg over your right and make sure your right leg is straight. Bring your right arm elbow across your body and  press it against the outer side of your bend leg. Now you should feel a stretch around the hip, rotate your body around so that you feel more stretch, but do not go over your comfort level.

Hold it for 20 to 30 seconds and breath in and out slowly and then do the opposite side.

    Repeat this stretch for 3 to 5 times for more flexibility.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Knee to Chest Exercise

This is a simple exercise to strengthen your lower back and also improves your hip mobility. This is usually done after the pelvic tilt exercise lying down on your back with the help of a mat or on a plain floor. 

        -  First lie down on the floor with your back.         
        -  Relax and breath in and out.
        -  Pull your left leg (Knee) towards your chest, place the hands behind the knee or 

           just below the knee in the front. Try to pull as much as you can but do not go 
           beyond your comfort level.
        -  Your hip and the right leg should be in straight position.
        -  Holding the position breath in and out for about 30 seconds.
        -  After you finish bring the left leg to normal position and relax.
        -  And now do the same with your right leg. 
        -  Repeat this for at-least 3 to 5 times.
After you finish relax and then try to pull both the knees towards your chest and hold it for 20 to 30 seconds, breath in and out. Perform this exercise at-least for 3 times. 

Pelvic Tilt Exercise or Ab Hollow Exercise

This exercise is to strengthen your muscles around the lower back and abdominal muscles, this can be done either by lying down on the floor or standing position against the wall. This exercise is very important for a strong back, those who are already suffering from back pain need to get comfortable with the movement and do not rush yourself. This is also good for those who are pregnant.

   -  First lie down on the floor with your back.        
   -  Relax and breath in and out.
   -  Slowly pull your knees up facing towards the sky.
   -  Make sure your feet are flat on the floor.
   -  Tighten your buttock.
   -  Take a deep breath, while taking a breath pull your stomach (Abs) inwards so
       that is tight.
   -  Make sure your belly button is pulled towards your spine.
   -  While doing this, you will notice a hollow (pelvic) between your back shoulder
      and your buttock.
   -  Concentrate, hold this position for about 6 to 10 seconds.
   -  And then relax, again breath in and out.          
   -  Repeat the same for 5 times.

Get comfortable with this and then you can get ready for the core exercise. In which every step is the same except the buttock, here you need to rise your buttock also.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Wall Chair Exercise

Wall Chair Exercise with the help of a wall.
Wall Chair is also called as the Horse, this exercise can be done with the help of the wall or if you think you can do it with out any help start spreading your legs wider than your shoulder, feet pointing forward. Keep your back and head straight slowly bend your knees into a partial sitting position. I remember my school days while I am doing this exercise, when ever I behave rude to the teachers, they used to punish me with a wall chair, that was a real torture. But now I feel it very easy and one of my favorite exercise. Try to do hold the position for about 20 to 30 seconds, as you get stronger go up to 1 minute.  
Wall Chair Exercise with out any help.
When you see yourself holding the position up to 1 minute, rise your left arm straight to your shoulder level to twist your torso area to right and hold it for 5 seconds to 10 seconds and then your right arm straight to your shoulder level to twist your torso area to left,  hold it for 5 seconds to 10 seconds.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Stork Exercise

The stork is to improves your posture, balance, strength and core stability. Stand straight with extended arms side ways to your shoulder height ( it also can be upwards, your fingers facing to the sky) then slowly raise
your left leg knee and rest your foot on the inner side of the right leg knee and hold it for 10 seconds. After you finish start doing the right leg. The main purpose of this exercise is to strengthen your legs and build confidence in you. This exercise is can also be called as Stork Fly.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pillar Stretch Exercise

Stretching exercise are good for joint mobility and considered as the best warm up. Stand straight with legs open (about 1 foot), bring your arms closer to interlock your fingers, turn the palm outside and forearms parallel slowly lift the both the hands up wards to the sky, do not bend your elbows, make sure they are straight all the time. Do this for about 10 seconds each time for about 3 times.

After you finish do same but here we need to bend (lean) towards left and right for about 10 seconds each side.

Note : Breath in while lifting your hands towards the sky and breath out as you are relaxing (bringing to the normal position).

                                   More ways of stretching exercise

Even though I was working out it wasn't a regular type, its always on and off. This is all about my experience sharing with you all, why not train our bodies before the injury happens.
Note: Always remember to drink lots of water. 

Monday, November 11, 2013

Neck Roll Exercise

This exercise is to strengthen your neck (Throat Muscles), there are four sets of neck exercise, make sure every angle you turn hold for about 5 seconds. Neck roll  are good exercise to prevent nerve pull over and neck strains. Do these sets for about 4 minutes, so that you get 1 minute for each set.
             -  Chin Up                        
             -  Chin Down 
             -  Side Ways (Turn your head to left and right)
             -  Lateral Bend     
             -  Rotation 
Perform each set for about 3 times, after every set relax and breathe deeply and make sure you move the neck slowly and gently. Remember this is your start up exercise so take your time do not force yourself beyond the comfortable levels.

Note: watch this video before you start, do not force your self more than what you can do.


     A Man turns his head 180 degrees no kidding Freaky


Saturday, November 9, 2013

After Warm Up Exercise

Every trainer has a different style of teaching, but here we will learn two sets of formats in which each set has different exercise.

The first set sequence is on a plain surface of the ground (Gym, Ground, Park or you can use a Mat in your own Home).

                           Upper body and Lower body Exercise

 -  Neck Roll
 -  Stork
 -  Wall Chair
 -  Pelvic Tilt or Ab Hollow                        
 -  Crunches 
 -  Cobra
 -  Cat
                                -  Child Pose (Garbhasana)
                                -  Superman

Second set sequence : These are advanced options. (On the Ball)

                                -  Neck Roll
                                -  Pillar Stretch
                                -  Stork
                                -  Wall Chair
                                -  Back Extension (Back Spinal Extension)
                                -  Ball Crunch Exercise                                        
                                -  Seated Ball Twist
                                -  Seated Ball Leg Extension
                                -  Front Extension (Front Spinal Extension)
                                -  Front Spinal Extension (Superman)

If any of these are uncomfortable, you may stop for a while and relax your muscles for about 5 to 6 mins. But remember one thing, "The more dedicated you are, the better your results will be". Every one of us has a habit to look in the mirror. You may find yourself looking more in the mirror as you are noticing a change little by little.

I will explain each exercise in detail with the images and videos in my next posts. I know every one has a desire to look perfect, some of us want a 6 pack or 8 pack, but remember one thing,  nothing comes overnight. You need to put your best efforts and time towards your ambitions!

Warm Up Exercise

Everyone of us wants to be fit, but we are lazy most of the times. Being fit is an art or for some of us its a gods gift... Here are some reasons why you should get into routine exercise:
 -  To be healthy
 -  Stay Fit
 -  You can control your weight
 -  It boosts energy
 -  Can quit your bad habits (Smoking, Alcohol, Anger etc...)          
 -  Refreshing
 -  Motivation etc...

One thing to remember before starting or jumping into core exercise, we need a warm-up or cardiovascular (upper body and lower body) workout for at-least 12 to 15 minutes.

Why warm up?

 - To reduce the risk of pain, injury, to break a sweat.
 - To let the oxygen rich blood to flow though out your body.              
 - To prepare the muscle for stretching.
 - To prevent cramps.
 - Flexibility of the joints.
 - Builds motivation and focus.

Warm up or cardiovascular workout can be done in many ways:

 - Run
 - Bike
 - Swim
 - Walk
 - Skip or Jump rope

One of the most important things you can do before working out is warming up, it’s most important that you defiantly don’t skip this step. Many times if you do, you feel very sore and even you can risk injury if you don’t warm up. You don’t need any tools warm up its very basic.